Creating Traditions: Unique Ways to Celebrate Holidays and Special Occasions

Cheerful multiracial family having fun while gathering for Thanksgiving at home.

By Megan Isola

Everyone has a favorite holiday. Some love Christmas. Others prefer Halloween or Thanksgiving. Most have unique ways of celebrating each one. No matter what holiday you prefer, you can use the following tips to create your own family traditions. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or do anything extravagant. It’s oftentimes the simple things that mean the most and make the day so memorable. 

Remember the Day with Photographs

Take photographs. Have everyone who attends take 5 to 10 photos and send them to one person who has been designated to put them in a file. Once all the photos have been uploaded and the file is complete, share it with the family so everyone has a copy. The photos can be printed out or used in a digital frame to create a photo collage. Have everyone in the family put on their nicest clothes and take a formal photo.

Make a Family Gift to Open on Christmas Eve

Many families like to wait until Christmas morning to open gifts. Opening a family gift on Christmas Eve is a way to share the joy of the holiday as a family before Santa comes. Include matching sets of pajamas for every member of the family. You can also include a dated, handmade Christmas ornament for each person as well. Hot chocolate mugs are also a fun addition.

Big Family Garden Party Celebration, Gathered Together at the Table Family, Friends and Children.  Make a Wish for the New Year

People have been making New Year’s resolutions for years. More often than not, the resolutions are set aside within a few weeks of the turn of the year. Instead of a resolution, make a New Year’s wish instead. Think about what you would like to see happen over the course of the new year and send your wish to the universe. Ask for the universe for a blessing and let nature take its course.

Annual Art Project

This is a great way to share the arts with your kids and can be used for any holiday. Choose a medium like clay, paint, yarn, or pencil and let each member of your family create a masterpiece. Every year you will be able to monitor each person’s progress. Put the items on display until next year and start the process all over again. When you put the new items out, store the old ones in a box labeled with the date. 

Homemade Gift Exchange

Nothing is more personal than a homemade gift. Store-bought gifts are nice, but they hold very little sentimental value. When you make a gift by hand, you choose the materials personally and do the work on your own. You put a little of yourself in the gift and that is something money can’t buy. It’s a one-of-a-kind gift that comes from the heart. You can dress up and take your family out for a nice dinner, but make the gifts yourself.

Start a Thankfulness Jar

Every Sunday, starting right after Thanksgiving, take a small piece of paper and write down something you are thankful for that happened during the previous week. Sign and date the paper. Fold it up and place it in a mason jar or small box and put the lid on it. Every week put another paper in the container. Next Thanksgiving, take turns pulling slips out of the jar or box and reading them out loud. 

Cookie/Baking Day

While this is usually more popular around Thanksgiving and Christmas, having a cookie or baking day is something you can do at any time on any holiday if you want to make a few fun, family memories. Include a few recipes that have been passed down, as well as a few new ones for foods you have never tried. You may end up with a few new favorites for each holiday.

Traditional Family Gathering

It’s a good idea to plan a traditional family gathering at least once a year. It’s a great way to stay in touch with extended family members. If you have family that lives too far away to attend, you can include them by placing a video phone call. Have everyone bring a favorite dish and spend the day sharing stories and making memories. You never know. The gatherings may become so popular, that you start having them once a month.

Secret Santa Gift Giveaway

The Secret Santa gift exchange doesn’t have to be limited to your family or the workplace. Look for a family that has had a few struggles. Buy a few bags of groceries and some toys for the kids. Purchase a gift card to a local department store so they can buy some clothes. Have the whole lot delivered to their home anonymously. Giving the gifts anonymously is a nice touch. Just sign the card, “Santa Claus”. 

Story Time

Storytime is always a great way to make memories with the kids. You can plan story time during every holiday. Make it educational. Research the meaning behind certain holidays and share them with the family. Share stories about your family history and the traditions that have been passed down from one generation to the next. Passing them down from generation to generation keeps them alive.

Family Night

Family nights don’t have to be reserved just for holidays. Many families set aside one night a week where they spend the evening watching movies, playing games, or any other fun, family activity. Our fast-paced lives and hectic schedules can cause families to lose touch. Setting aside one night a week as family time is one way you can keep your family unit strong and well-grounded. Make it a tradition that your kids can take with them when they start their own families.

Explore Cultural Traditions

Every culture has traditions and foods that make it unique. Learn about your family’s origins and cultural traditions. Try a few foods that your culture is famous for. If you have small children and are still lucky enough to have older relatives who remember the traditions firsthand, let them spend time with one another. This ensures your family’s cultural traditions won’t be lost with the passage of time. 

No matter what holiday you enjoy most, you can celebrate each one with your family. If you don’t have any traditions in place, start a few. Make memories that your children will always cherish. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or do elaborate things. Just spend time together and have fun as a family! Adopt a few new traditions as you go along. Your family will have fun and the memories you make will last a lifetime!

About the Author

Megan IsolaMegan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.

#Creating #Traditions #Unique #Ways #Celebrate #Holidays #Special #Occasions