GBAB: I Have A Brighter Take On This Diversified Fund In 2025 (Rating Upgrade) (NYSE:GBAB)

I am a macro-focused investor with 15 years experience working in Financial Services. My niche is finding under-valued sectors and thematic ideas (metals, gold, crypto) at opportune entry points.

The first half of my career was in New York, working professionally after college (BS – Finance and D1 Men’s Tennis). I relocated to North Carolina for graduate school (MBA) and employment. I am fortunate to spend half my time in Charlotte and half in Asheville.

I grew up in a middle-class family where a strong work ethic was mandatory (German/Slovak mother). I went to college with $10,000 to my name and I thought that was all the money in the world. Twenty years later, I’m fortunate enough to co-manage a seven-figure investment account with my wife, who is also an astute investor. I’m literally living proof that diligent saving and investing can be life changing.

I make a habit of keeping my portfolio up-to-date, which my followers can see here. I take pride in writing about funds, stocks, and sectors that I actually follow and invest in, and I believe my followers appreciate that approach.

Broad market: DIA, VOO, QQQM, RSP


Alternatives: Bitcoin, IAU (Gold)


Debt: BGT, Municipal bonds from North Carolina

I also contribute to the investing group CEF/ETF Income Laboratory where I specialize in macro analysis. Features of CEF/ETF Income Laboratory include: managed income portfolios (targeting safe and reliable ~8% yields) making use of high-yield opportunities in the CEF and ETF fund space. These are geared toward both active and passive investors of all experience levels. The vast majority of holdings are also monthly-payers, for faster compounding and steady income streams. Other features include 24/7 chat, and trade alerts. Learn more.

#GBAB #Brighter #Diversified #Fund #Rating #Upgrade #NYSEGBAB