Meta says end of fact-checking hasn’t impacted ad spend

Meta says its controversial decision to put an end to its fact-checking program hasn’t impacted advertiser…

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are slamming Meta over its fact-checking policy

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have joined the ranks of those displeased with Meta’s changes to…

Google searches for deleting Facebook, Instagram explode after Meta ends fact-checking

Google searches for how to cancel and delete Facebook, Instagram, and Threads accounts have seen explosive…

Meta shelves fact-checking in policy reversal ahead of Trump administration By Reuters

By Katie Paul, Supantha Mukherjee and Deborah Mary Sophia (Reuters) -Social media company Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:)…

Meta drops fact-checking and loosens its content moderation rules

Meta, the parent of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, today announced a major overhaul in how it’s…